Wonder Workshop Sharing Assembly: Friday 04 April, 2:00pm
Newlands Primary School defines Home Learning as any activity that your child can complete at home to support learning at school.
While Home Learning often focuses on Reading, Writing, and Maths, it may also include more topic focused activities.
Home Learning is focused predominantly on opportunities for practice rather than the introduction of new learning. However, within the context of an activity, students may naturally lead their own exploration of new concepts
In line with the Ministry of Education’s recent changes to the English and Mathematics curriculum, our Home Learning has been reviewed. As a school we believe strongly in the importance of our partnership with whānau in supporting your child's learning journey, and while we know that this partnership goes far beyond ‘home learning’, we do want to provide clear guidelines for you. Beyond this kura-led home learning, we encourage you to foster a love of books by reading with your children, and maths can be ehanced via games and baking!
Toetoe, Miro, Kahikatea, Kawakawa, and Horopito classrooms
Your child will come home with their blue book bag each day, and inside will be their home learning reading log book. Use this log book to record all reading you do at home - library books from school and public libraries, magazines, newspapers, books from home, emails from whānau, and books from school. Maths and spelling will be added to home learning as the year progresses.
Rātā, Pōhutukawa, Tawa, Mānuka, and Kānuka classrooms
Your child will come home with their blue book bag each day. In the bag will be a home learning book for recording their reading, and also their weekly spelling practice words. Please ensure they bring their book bag to school daily, with their home learning books inside.
Rimu, Nīkau, Karaka, and Kōwhai classrooms
Home learning will be shared weekly either by resources coming home or via the home learning link shared with you on Hāpara.
Your child will bring home a school library book each week. We encourage you to read it to your child, discussing the story, characters, and pictures.
Your child’s guided reading book will be changed 2-3 times a week during group sessions with the teacher. When listening to your child at home, please record the book title and initial it. Aim for at least 10 minutes, five times a week. They may read their guided reading book, a school library book, a poem, or a book from home. See the reading question prompts for supporting your child’s comprehension during your home reading.
Your child will bring home a school library book once a week and they are encouraged to read this at home.
If your child requires extra support with their reading, their classroom teacher will be in contact to discuss things that you can do at home to help.
Ready to Read Phonics Plus
Once or twice a week your child can read this story to you. Help them with any words they don’t know. After reading, talk about the story, characters, and pictures (see the back cover for discussion questions).
At the end of each week, your child will receive 5-10 highlighted spelling words to practise at home. They will be tested on these words the following Friday. Words will relate to classroom learning. Please see the spelling sheet for a variety of ideas on how to practise spelling in an engaging way. Little and often has the greatest impact on retaining spelling words.
At the end of each week, your child will receive 5-10 spelling words to practise at home. These will be accessible via Hāpara.
Poetry will be sent home on Friday and is returned to school on Monday. Enjoy reading together. See the blurb in the front cover for more ideas.
A new poem will be sent home on Fridays, often linking to spelling patterns learned that week. This will be in a separate poetry book.
We will share links and the current class focus for maths via Hāpara each week.
200 Newlands Road
Newlands, Wellington 6037
PO Box 26068
Newlands, Wellington 6037