Wonder Workshop Sharing Assembly: Friday 04 April, 2:00pm
Newlands Primary School is a busy place and we like to offer children as many opportunities to grow, learn, and flourish as possible.
Outlined to the right are some of the ways parents and whānau can help at school. Please contact the school office if you would like more information about any of these opportunities.
At different times during the year parents may be asked to support one off acitivities like sewing for the biannual production, baking for a cake stall, or helping out at a one off event in class. We keep families and whānau informed through the weekly newsletter, via email, and our school facebook page.
If you have a skill or expertise you feel we would benefit from, please come and see us – we love all the help we can get.
The governance of Newlands Primary School is the responsibility of the School Board. Members are elected every three years from our school community. The School Board is committed to providing excellence in education and are very supportive of the school’s learning community.
The School Board meets twice a term. Meeting times and dates are advised on the school’s calendar of events. All meetings are public and everyone is invited to attend. The minutes are public documents and are available at the school office.
If you would like to know more about School Boards, this link will take you to the New Zealand Schools Trustees Association (NZSTA) website.
New resources are constantly coming into the school and need processing before they can be used in the library and classroom. A team of parents regularly meet in the library to stamp, tape, and cover new library books ready for use. Parents also help put readers away each week to assist the smooth running of the Literacy programme.
Every year, there are various trips organised for students to participate in. We take sports teams out of the school for games, classes, or syndicates go on learning trips to places of interest around the Wellington region, sometimes the whole school will be involved in a trip outside of the school.
For these trips away from school we require parent help and support. We need to maintain an appropriate adult to child ratio so students are safe during their activities.
Parent and whānau are often asked to assist on trips with supervision and/or transport. Joining your child’s class on a school trip is a great way to support your child’s learning.
The Fun and Fundraising team is made up off parent volunteers who help raise extra funds for the school.
The School Board determines the fundraising focus each year. They set targets for how much money is required, and plan what the money will be spent on. The Fun and Fundraising team organises and runs community fundraising events on behalf of the School Board.
The Fun and Fundraising team meets at least once a term to organise fundraising events. There are also people who support the Fun and Fundraising team with one-off help for specific events.
Fundraising events we have recently held include school discos, quiz night, spellathon, bake sales, raffles, tea and coffee at school events, sausage sizzles, movie nights, tea towel sales, and art calendar sales.
We are always looking for new and exciting ways to raise extra funds to continue making Newlands Primary School a great place to learn.
We always welcome new Fun and Fundraising team members. If you are looking for a way to contribute skills and energy to the school, we warmly invite you to join this group.
PMP is a physical and language based programme we run in our junior school during the year. This programme consists of activity stations where children rotate from station to station during a half hour session. Each station requires an adult tutor to assist the children to perform the activity correctly. When this programme is run we ask for help through the newsletter and via email.
From time to time we offer a programme of Wonder Workshops to our children in Years 3 to 6. We offer many and varied activities for children to try out once a week, each week over a term. Parents can offer their skills to teach a small group of children. Wonder Workshops other parents have taken include – indoor bowls, art, card making, and basketball coaching.
Twice a term Scholastic Bookclub leaflets are sent home and many families order books for home reading. We have parent Bookclub Organisers who process the orders after the offer is closed and who distribute the books to the children. Our kura receives a percentage of sales to purchase books for the library.
At different times during the year parents may be asked to support one off acitivities like sewing for the biannual production, baking for a cake stall, or helping out at a one off event in class. We keep families and whānau informed through the weekly newsletter and/or emails.
If you have a skill or expertise you feel we would benefit from, please come and see us – we love all the help we can get.
200 Newlands Road
Newlands, Wellington 6037
PO Box 26068
Newlands, Wellington 6037