Friday 05 July: Last Day of Term 2       Monday 22 July: First Day of Term 3

Our Student Citizenship

Newlands Primary School Citizens

At Newlands Primary School we have developed a learning model based on key qualities that nurture ākonga to grow and thrive together as successful Newlands Citizens.

We are currently working with kura whānau translating our qualities into te reo Māori.


work and play together; working as a team


in words and actions


ask questions, explore ideas, and think critically


of self, others, and the environment


engage in learning experiences, trial solutions, and draw conclusions


taking part and participating


present learning for others to learn from and enjoy

Qualities of an NPS Citizen - Playing and Working Together

Qualities of an NPS Citizen - Learning Together

Nurture, Learn, Succeed – Together, Te Rito o te Harakeke