Wonder Workshop Sharing Assembly: Friday 04 April, 2:00pm
If your child is going to be absent or late, please advise us before 9:00am using one of the following communication options:
Email: admin@newlandsprimary.school.nz
Phone: 04 461 6900
Text: 027 261 6901
Edge App
We need to know the student name, room, and reason for absence or lateness.
If it is a planned absence (ie holiday) please advise the school in advance via email: admin@newlandsprimary.school.nz.
If your child arrives after the 8:55am bell, they must sign in at the school office before going to their class.
It is very important that the school is advised of any changes to caregiver contact details.
If your child needs to leave for an appointment during the school day, you must come to the school office to pick them up and sign them out.
You are encouraged to advise the school office in advance so that arrangements can be made for your child to meet you at the office at the correct time.
Newlands Primary School uses the following procedure to follow up on absent students:
The school will contact whānau of absent children in the following order:
1. text to mobile phone
2. call to mobile phone
3. work phone
4. email
The school will make every effort to make contact with the parents/caregivers, but if we are not able to talk to you it will be noted that contact has been tried and no contact was made.
If there is no reply to any number and there is an answerphone, a message will be left for you to make contact with the school.
200 Newlands Road
Newlands, Wellington 6037
PO Box 26068
Newlands, Wellington 6037