Netball Registrations: Due Friday 14 March
Whakataukī / School Song
Our school whakatauki / song is based on a traditional proverb that expresses the importance of nurturing our te rito (young learners) who are the heart of the harakeke (flax bush).
With the support of the surrounding leaves (teachers, whānau, and community) our tamariki grow as strong, confident learners, standing tall and flourishing like the harakeke.
Hutia te rito o te Harakeke
Kei hea te komako e kō
Kī mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui o te Ao
He aha te mea nui o te Ao
Maku e ki atu
He tangata ...
He tangata ...
He tangata ...
200 Newlands Road
Newlands, Wellington 6037
PO Box 26068
Newlands, Wellington 6037