Netball Registrations: Due Friday 14 March
Nurturing our tamariki to be great Newlands citizens is at the heart of all we do
The Newlands Primary School Board has focused on ensuring the voices of ākonga and whānau are heard through a variety of means. This has included in person and online consultation with regard to our vision, strategic goals, and aspirations whānau have for their ākonga. There has been very strong support for our current vision and strategic goals. In particular with regard to fostering inclusion, diversity, and giving mana to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
We provide opportunities for ākonga that:
nurture their wellbeing and hauora.
nurture exceptional NPS citizenship qualities.
nurture the first language and cultural identity of NZ Aotearoa.
nurture the diverse cultures, languages, and identities at Newlands Primary School.
nurture all learners to feel included and accepted
nurture ethical practices for an ecologically sustainable future.
We provide opportunities for ākonga to:
learn using our qualities of wonder, discover, and share.
learn to embrace challenges and build resilience.
learn to be curious and creative.
learn to be critical thinkers and problem solvers.
learn to have integrity and make positive choices.
learn to seek feedback and be reflective lifelong learners.
We provide opportunities for ākonga to:
succeed in a safe, positive, and supportive learning environment.
succeed because we have high expectations.
succeed by receiving high quality teaching and learning.
succeed when facing difficulty and challenge.
succeed to reach their potential with their individual learning needs being met.
We provide opportunities for ākonga by:
together creating active partnerships with our whānau and wider community of Horokiwi.
together creating a positive, welcoming environment.
together using our NPS qualities to be kind, respectful, and engaged.
together celebrating our diversity and sharing learning.
together identifying a future focused vision and goals.
School Logo: Te Rito o te Harakeke
Our school whakataukī Te Rito o Te Harakeke encompasses our vision for our tamariki as they are nurtured to learn and succeed together. Our logo is a visual representation of the harakeke and symbolic of the many people involved in supporting our tamariki to flourish. The rito (central shoot) represents the individual child. The leaves around the rito are the people who protect and support tamariki on their learning journey including the teachers and school staff, family and whānau and community. Together it represents our tūrangawaewae - our place to stand.
Each layer of harakeke leaves is weaved together to express our belief that it takes the whole community to nurture a child. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata!
The rito (central shoot) represents the individual child.
Learning supported by our staff and curriculum.
These leaves represent the connection to our community.
These leaves represent the support of whānau.
200 Newlands Road
Newlands, Wellington 6037
PO Box 26068
Newlands, Wellington 6037